Awesome Orcas

Awesome Orcas

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Imagine that you are in a boat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It is in the middle of September, on one of the coolest days of autumn. While you are checking your navigational charts, you hear something. As you turn around you see a cloud of spray. Just then you see what looks to be a large, black dorsal fin slice through the water. Your mind and heart beat began to race as you look around. Just then you hear a lot of clicks and whistles. Then you hear a whistle right below you. You slowly look down and you see a…killer whale.
(Photo copyright Rolf Hicker)

Did I Mention...

that I Love Killer Whales "Orcas"?????? Well I sure do.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sea World 5-23-09

We had a wonderful trip to Sea World over Memorial Day weekend. Of course, the highlight for me was seeing the beautiful orcas. I hate the idea of orcas being in captivity, but I am thankful to be able to get close up to these magnificent animals, and places like Sea World make that possible. Here's a few pics from the trip