Awesome Orcas

Awesome Orcas

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Did you know...?

Orcas are actually from the dolphin family? Yes, it is true.

They are sometimes called "killer whales" because they are the top predator in the ocean, and are known to eat smaller animals in the ocean besides fish, such as seals. Some orcas even beach themselves to catch a seal.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Migaloo the White Humpback Whale

Ok, it's not an orca, but it is a whale...this is apparently the only known white humpback whale. Confirmed sightings have been reported in 2009 which is great news because that means the Japs haven't killed it. In the picture below, it shows Migaloo swimming with a dolphin and another humpback whale.
Click the links on the side bar for more info. on Migaloo

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Imagine that you are in a boat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It is in the middle of September, on one of the coolest days of autumn. While you are checking your navigational charts, you hear something. As you turn around you see a cloud of spray. Just then you see what looks to be a large, black dorsal fin slice through the water. Your mind and heart beat began to race as you look around. Just then you hear a lot of clicks and whistles. Then you hear a whistle right below you. You slowly look down and you see a…killer whale.
(Photo copyright Rolf Hicker)

Did I Mention...

that I Love Killer Whales "Orcas"?????? Well I sure do.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sea World 5-23-09

We had a wonderful trip to Sea World over Memorial Day weekend. Of course, the highlight for me was seeing the beautiful orcas. I hate the idea of orcas being in captivity, but I am thankful to be able to get close up to these magnificent animals, and places like Sea World make that possible. Here's a few pics from the trip

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Going to Sea World

I'm sooooo excited! My family and I are going to Sea World in San Antonio for Memorial Day weekend. I'm most excited, of course, about seeing the killer whales, and while I do feel bad to know that there are killer whales in captivity, it does make someone like me, who will probably never get a chance to see them in the wild, appreciate that there are places like Sea World where I can get close to these beautiful animals that I love so much. :-)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

My newest "adopted" orca "Cookie"

I just adopted another orca named "Cookie", and I'm probably going to adopt his mother "Oreo" and brother "Doublestuff" soon.

This is the adoption certificate I received from the Whale Museum.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Rare Pink Dolphin found in Louisiana

The result of albinism(I think I spelled that word right?)
The dolphin recently spotted in Louisiana is very pink with red eyes and appears to be healthy. Read more on this dolphin by clicking the link on the right.

"Orca" (poem written by me)

"Orcas, killer whales, wolves of the
sea. Black and white beauties so
graceful and free.

One of God's creations, their life spent
in water. They're a family, a pod, fathers,
mothers, sons and daughters.

Swimming together night and day,
enjoying some playtime and hunting
for prey.

They need to be free from the day they are
born. Don't capture and teach them tricks to

They're wild animals and should be left alone.
To be with their families swimming into the

copyright Debbie Manning

Monday, February 23, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009

White Orca

White Orcas are rare and hard to find, but last year, one white orca was found with a pod in Alaska and photographed. Here's a photo, and to read more, go to the link on the side bar.

Friday, January 23, 2009

My Adopted Orca

I just adopted an Orca named Ruffles from the Orca Adoption Program.

Here's a brief description of Ruffles and a photo.

"Ruffles is the oldest male in the Southern Resident Community.

The trailing edge of his 6 ft. dorsal fin is very wavy, which is how he got his name. Ruffles is one of the orcas from the movie "Free Willy." He's from JPod and is believed to have been born in 1951.

Cross Stitch Orca

One of my favorite hobbies is cross stitching, and years ago, I found a pattern of an orca and here it is.

Orca Puzzles

I love working puzzles, and my son and I recently completed this beautiful orca puzzle.

I love Orcas!

I have been crazy about Orca whales for as long as I can remember. I have been lucky enough to visit Sea World in San Antonio, TX a few times, and the highlight for me was always visiting the orca "shamu" shows. I think they are one of God's true beauties of the sea. One of my favorite movies is of course Free Willy, and I love in the movie that Willy was released back into the wild. My dream is to one day take a vacation somewhere that I can see orcas in the wild. When I see an orca swimming in the sea, I find peace within my heart as I watch them move so graceful doing what orcas do.