Awesome Orcas

Awesome Orcas

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Did you know...?

Orcas are actually from the dolphin family? Yes, it is true.

They are sometimes called "killer whales" because they are the top predator in the ocean, and are known to eat smaller animals in the ocean besides fish, such as seals. Some orcas even beach themselves to catch a seal.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Migaloo the White Humpback Whale

Ok, it's not an orca, but it is a whale...this is apparently the only known white humpback whale. Confirmed sightings have been reported in 2009 which is great news because that means the Japs haven't killed it. In the picture below, it shows Migaloo swimming with a dolphin and another humpback whale.
Click the links on the side bar for more info. on Migaloo